Swimming pools are always fun places to be in. Admit it, when you see a pool at your friend’s house and you just want to get things over with, you’d simply dive in without batting an eyelash. Strange catch, though, his pool is moderately deep. If you are looking to build your own pool at home, you need to tick off some issues on the checklist to ensure that future users will not be going into a potential deathtrap.

You need to decide what kind of a pool you would want to have built. If you’re going for a recreational pool, plan for a depth between three feet at the shallow end to no more than five feet at the deepest part. The depth variation is essential if you envision children using it in the future. As for shapes, there are no specific conventions regarding the appropriate form for rec pools, so the final design is left to you.

However, it’s a different ball game if you’re looking at the pool as your own exercise area. For instance, the depth itself must be at least five feet and the length only limited by your preferences, allotted land permitting. The width must be sufficient enough so that you can successfully turn back the other way without fear of a bump. Consult with professional pool builders first before you go digging up that earth in your background for your backyard pool.